Saturday, March 24, 2007

Congratulations Nurse Esme!

Our dear co-worker Nurse Esme just became a mommy! She is adopting this beautiful baby boy from Guatemala. She leaves tomorrow to fly down there and spend a few months getting to know her new son and his homeland. We at St. Luke's are so happy for her and little Pablito! Don't you love his head of hair?? Bon voyage, Esme!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Give up the dough it's StPatty's, yo

Teetles in da house for St Patty's and it's a cold one. Sarah C was too scared to hit the scene too early, so we let her off the hook till the REAL party started. BarrioChino, evangelical northern Virginians, and a whole lotta traipsing through sleet, ice and more slush.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Popovers & Parks: a day with Cassidy & Egan

One of the first spring-like days calls for some good fun with some of my favorite friends in the city. I spent the morning visiting with Patricia and her daughter Cassidy on the U.W.S. We finally made it to the Popover Cafe where Cassidy managed to eat most of my salmon and most of her mommy's popover. I swear that child has the most adventurous palate:
We played around Central Park a little bit so Cassidy could ride the horses. That is, until the big blowout ....(see Cassidy's blog for details). Our park trip was cut a little short after that, but I still had hours of good park time to go...

So, I took the 1 train all the way up to Van Cordlandt Park where I met up with Amy and Egan. Egan told me ALL about General Isiah Porter whose statue stands in front of Van Cordlandt mansion at the north end of the park. Here's Egan trying to hide from us and defending us with his sword. Amy fixed us all yummy pizza back at their place in the Bronx. She also shared a classic piece of collective writing by her 4th graders. See the following post.