Greetings from Cabrini Blvd, my home of 4 years and my little pad in the heights of NYC. I am recently returned from an amazing trip to Niger where I visited my good friend Steph. Here is me in Carol Gardens at my best friend Sarah's apartment. Photography by Stanley Mouse. The profile photo is actually from my annual rollerbirthday extravaganza, held at the Roxy in NYC each year between Xmas and New Years - Barry gets photo credit for that one.
Plans for this blog: images from my rollerdays, my travels, and my life in general. But first to get acquainted with Blogger.... Bonne Ballade!
I wanted to be the first to comment on your blog, Hol. I look forward to some rantings and some good ER stories! Barry, former resident of 5H.
Excellente! I get to be second, so 5H is represented in the house blog. I shall live vicarioulsy through your respective blogs!!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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