Barry and I were dining on Malecon take-out last night at 95 Cabrini and we got to talking about blogs. His is pretty well established - he started it for his semester in Brazil and has been adding to it since. (You can link to it at left). I told him how I haven't done much with mine yet and I keep wondering: do you go backwards or just start with the present and move forwards with events in your life - capturing memories as they happen?
We decided that a timeline - or in my case a "space" line - is in order for our blogs. If I didn't represent the Cougars, Strawderman, Bucknell, Senegal, Richmond and NYC, what would my blog be? Fa what? And of course there's my recent Niger trip, which is what's inspired me to start this thing in the first place.
So - on that note, I will start with Niger and move through space to the mountains of Edinburg, the foothills of the Fouta Djalon, the pool days in Goochland, and the special Parker reunion in Highlands. It'll all make it in there somehow.
This photo is of Bo, Barry and me back in the summer of '05 when Barry moved away from NYC. Since Bo just moved to Portland, I thought I'd pay a little to tribute to him here. He is sorely missed on the hall. (Leysie is in the background, seducing bartenders and causing a general rucous.)
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